Sunday, August 8, 2010

Sunrise and snow.

This week we have first and probably last, a Sunrise. Anyone that knows me sure knows that I'm not a morning person, but yesterday we went skiing so we had to get really early and be on the street at 7 am, an when I looked up to the sky I saw this red clouds I just had to share with you.

Up in the mountain the view was really something

About 3 pm the fog appeared and it began to slowly take over the mountain until you can only saw a few feet way from you.

Up there we found the furriest cat I've ever seen (wonder why)

Just before we began to descend it began to snow, but I don't have a good take of that, so it'll have to be another day.


  1. Lindas fotos. Menos mal de mi balcón no se ve el amanecer sino el atardecer, ja. ¿Y cómo les fue esquiando? A mi me parece que debe ser muy difícil.

  2. El amanecer se ve desde nuestro balcón, pero esa es tomada desde la calle...

    La esquiada es fácil, las botas hacen el 80% del trabajo por uno, ahora esquiar bien es otra historia.
